SeeClickFix Blog #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?
  • I learned that some people saw the issue that i reported


  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message?
  • The response that i got from my issue was that another person also reported the issue and they are taking the time to solve the issue . The person who sent me the messages was the city of oakland something


  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  
  • We 9th grade student are tracking our process by checking online if it had been acknowledged or closed.
  • Each poster stands for if someone has seen it or agreed that it should be fixed and or if it is already fixed.


  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not.
  • No, because it has been acknowledged again .


  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.
  • Yes, many peopled changed their ststaus because some were fixed and some were just open


  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer.
  • I think 9th grade students are gaining agency because they chose to fix the problem that were oppressing them.

SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.
  • Agency means having the power to be able to control your own life. Resistance means when someone refuses to do something or prevent it from happening.


  • In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.
  • social movement means when a group of people work together a certain way to resist an oppression or to make some kind of change.


  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?
  • When people report like something with a sidewalk or a pothole their job is to fix the issue that was reported.


  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.
  • I think so because they are giving people the power to see what they think is wrong and to send it to them to fix it.


  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).
  • i was in the classroom room where its right next to that media classroom and i was peacefully doing my work when i look up and i so the graffiti and something on there that was very inappropriate . This was during 5th and i asked a friend to take it and send it to me.


  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.
  • What i did to join SeeClickFix was that  i had to put in my school id and email and i had to prove i wasn’t a robutt
  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.
  • I had to post the picture of the issue that i reported and i have to tell them the location of where the issue was and than i had to post it and it gave me an option to be anonymous


  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.
  • I think that if the issue is very popular , than it will get their attention to be able to fix it Or if it is a big problem


Edublog Assignment #10

What is a social movement?

A social movement is when a group of people work together to resist an oppression or make some kind of change

What is May Day?

A day where we celebrate people who have protested in the past to remember them

How did May Day become a day to protest?

When people decided to protest for low wages and how the condition of the work , they went to a place and protested their ,but their was also a violent attack with the police that caused the protest to end and that is when peole decided to not be broken down but to continue to protes

Describe what Fremont HS students will be doing on May 1st?

Fremont high school will join other school and walk to a place< i forgot what it was called> and we are going there with 5 other’s school to protest

Describe the work our class has done to research previous social movements this school year.

We’ve talked about alot of protest that happened in the past and how effective and ineffective they were and how they are considered a social movement

Explain how our class decided what our protest goals would be.

We listed what we thought that we wanted to change and we are going to vote which 10 onein the 9th grade we think that is more important

Do you predict that that May Day student protest will be successful?  Explain your answer.

I think that it will gain alot of attention , but actually making the change i don’t think so

Edublog #8


The person that i am researching on is a person name Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez is a person who wasn’t getting enough money by working as a migrant worker who gathered fruits and vegetables just like so many mexican american workers, so he and many other mexican-american workers marched on the street and to show their  boss that they has the rights to make  more money because they worked hard to earn the money. Cesar chavez also created a new way to show the people that treated him like he was  not a person by not eating for multiple days, by which means that he offered to give up his life in order to show how many farm workers feels when they are being treated badly.


Oppression happened to Cesar Chavez because he had a different color than  those who had more money than him, so those with more privilege took advantage of people who were from another country and who look different from them.  People who took advantages of the migrant workers can be the person they work for because i guess that person can be racist or something that makes him think that just because they are different race that they don’t deserve to to get equal pays as other american citizens.



In my resistance image the person that is being oppressed is the immigrant workers because they are not being paid on what they deserve and the oppressor is the boss that the immigrant workers work for. The boss is the oppressor because he is neglecting the immigrant workers by paying them less and he is also benefiting from them by him gaining ore money.



This is the link to the oppression that he faced.



The person who wrote this article is Miriam Pawel. This source is a magazine. This article was written on November 2013.


This is a quote from the article that i read about cesar chavez and it states,“There are vivid memories from my childhood—what we had to go through because of low wages and the conditions, basically because there was no union,” he wrote in 1966. “I suppose if I wanted to be fair I could say that I’m trying to settle a personal score. I could dramatize it by saying that I want to bring social justice to farmworkers. But the truth is that I went through a lot of hell, and a lot of people did. If we can even the score a little for the workers then we are doing something.” This mean that it wasn’t only him who went through hard times it was all the farm workers too. He also said that his childhood was hell because their family couldn’t afford things due to low wages.

Based on  the criteria for reliable sources I think that this information is not trustworthy because the article was published on March 25,2014 and the actual event happened around the 1960’s , which means that this information and evidence that she provided cannot be trusted as a solid form of information. This is also a secondary source because since the event happen a long time ago and she did not witnessed we can’t suggest that her information is true.


The category of oppression that is being described is Economic systems, but it can also be Social systems  because Economic systems  organize people based of things they need , the things they make,and how things are shared. So in Cesar chavez situation ,immigrants or people who were mexican were being organized of the things they need by them working and them being labeled as low paid people. The category of oppression that is being described can also be Social systems because social organize people based on the relationship they have with one another and how they behave in those relationship and in this situation the boss is not paying immigrants or people who weren’t born in america the money they deserve but they pay other people who works just as hard as them more money.


The level of oppression that s being described is interpersonal oppression because people like cesar chavez are being oppressed by the people that have more privileged  and the thing is is that there are other people who works the same job but gets paid more because they are different from other people like cesar chavez because of their skin color or because of their background and or where they come from.


Something that caused oppression in Mr.Chavez situation may have been related to racial issue. Cesar chavez was a Mexican-American who when him and his family couldn’t afford a living in Arizona they went to work as Migrant workers in California. Migrant workers were a great percentage of Mexican-American, some might think that it was good for the United States government to provide jobs for those who were legal. The thing is was that the great deal of percentage of  Mexican-American migrant workers weren’t being paid  as much as they deserve and they didn’t have the rights  as other American citizens who works just as hard as they did.


The Oppression that Cesar Chavez and Mexican-American workers experienced also had an effect. Cesar Chavez was a hard working young man who had to drop out of school to help his family with work. Later, on Cesar chavez became a Latino civil rights group. Six years later Cesar Chavez became the CSO national director, he then travel throughout California and made speeches in support of worker’s rights. Cesar chavez organized many boycotts and strikes. Many Mexican-American migrants workers also joined the strikes and Boycott. Cesar chavez created a new way to resist, he fasted 25 days to declare Nation Grape Boycott Day and also fasted 36 days to protest pesticides use.


Edublog Assignment #7

What is the name of the student whose Infographic you reviewed?

that person that i reviewed is name jordan


What feedback did you give to that student in the comments section of their edublog?

The feedback that i gave her I said that the student didn’t really show information that help her to know if the information was trustworthy or not.


What kind of things do you expect another student will have to say about the infographic that you created, and your answer about reliable source

I didn’t finish my based on criteria for reliable sources so i don’t really know what they are going to say on my edublog.

Edublog Assignments #5


Do you think Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today?  Explain your answer.

I think that the Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today because the events that happen are written in the course of history And this history of event that have occur is taught all over the world as an inspiration to those who fought. In 2016 there are many laws that oppress different color of people who thinks that what have happen in the past should never happen again and some laws may even defy that but that’s why this event still influence people they see this course of history as strength and they acknowledge what happen  to prove that what happen will never be done again And now many are protesting for police brutality against black people.

Edublog Assignments #4

What is a dominant narrative?  Explain in a complete sentence.

A dominant narrative is someone who has more privilege over another person and is telling someone else story < having total control of what they can say about another person story.

What are two examples of a dominant narrative?

One example of a dominant narrative is when a rich person tells how a poor person lives. Another example of a dominant narrative is when a white woman tells a black person about how life was for a slave.